
Air Navigation Convention 2014, 6-7 martie


Aflat la editia a V-a, evenimentul cu participare internationala va avea loc pe 6-7 martie in campusul Rectorat al Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Aeronews.ro este partener media al evenimentului.

Air Navigation Convention 2014 este organizat de studentii specializarii Air Navigation din cadrul Facultatii de Inginerie Aerospatiala, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti. Conventia se adreseaza tuturor studentilor si profesorilor specializarii Air Navigation. dar si invitatilor speciali ai acestui eveniment, cum ar fi experti din domeniul aviatiei si ingineriei aerospatiale la nivel national si european, profesori si studenti ai marilor centre universitare din Europa, reprezentanti ai unor companii care furnizeaza servicii de trafic aerian, etc. Reprezentanti ai unor companii internationale precum EUROCONTROL, ALOFT Aviation Consulting, BBA Aviation, ICAO, DFS, AustroControl, dar si din tara, ROMATSA, Fokker Engineering Romania, EURO AVIA, Regional Air Support si Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila Romana participa la eveniment pentru a le prezenta studentilor cele mai importante oportunitati din domeniu la ora actuala.


Comitetul organizatoric isi propune ca anul acesta sa duca mai departe traditia pe care a reusit sa o creeze in decursul ultimilor 5 ani, facilitand astfel transferul de cunostinte intre generatii, cat si impartasirea opiniilor cu privire la problemele curente ale aviatiei mondiale. In decursul celor doua zile, studentii vor avea ocazia sa participe la workshop-uri si conferinte, sa interactioneze cu experti din domeniu si alumni ai acestei specializari, dar si sa isi gaseasca mentori care sa le ghideze viitorii pasi in cariera. Evenimentul va avea loc pe 6-7 martie in amfiteatrul AN 010 din campusul Rectorat al Universitatii Politehnica Bucuresti. Accesul se face doar pe baza de invitatie. Pentru mai multe detalii accesati aero.pub.ro. Aeronews.ro este partener media al evenimentului.


It has been recognized by the international aviation community that there will be an anticipated shortage of skilled aviation professionals in the near future. In order to address this important issue, the Air Navigation section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering from University POLITEHNICA Bucharest launched the Air Navigation Convention initiative to ensure that enough qualified and competent aviation professionals are available to operate, manage and maintain the future international air transport system.

The 2014 Air Navigation Convention is an international two-day event dedicated to the students of the Air Navigation section of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. Romanian aviation professionals (alumni and others) and important guests from a large number of international organizations are invited to address the students and to find ways to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between generations. During this event, students will have the opportunity to network, to find mentors and to discuss important issues that civil aviation faces nowadays. This 5th edition of the Air Navigation Convention is oriented towards students, facilitating the interaction between the main players of the aviation industry not only from Romania, but also from abroad.

Representatives from organizations such as EUROCONTROL, ALOFT Aviation Consulting, BBA Aviation, ICAO, DFS, AustroControl, Fokker Engineering Romania, ROMATSA, Regional Air Suport, EURO AVIA will be present at the event in order to offer an overview on the opportunities present in the aviation industry and to help maintain the high quality standards the event has accustomed its participants to.

Date: 6-7th March 2014
Venue: Rectorate, University Politehnica Bucharest, room AN010

Attendance: by invitation only



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