
VIDEO / Cel mai vechi Boeing 747-100 apt de zbor a ajuns la muzeu

Ieri, 15 noiembrie, exemplarul N747GE (48,7 ani) – folosit pana acum de GE Aviation pentru testarea motoarelor in zbor – a aterizat pentru ultima data la muzeul Pima Air and Space din Arizona, unde va fi expus alaturi de primul 777 construit si alte aeronave.

Asa cum v-am informat pe pagina Aeronews de Facebook, jumbo jet-ul a decolat ieri din Victorville si a aterizat in Tucson, dupa care a fost tractat in perimetrul muzeului Pima Air and Space. N747GE a fost pilotat de Gary Possert, unul dintre pilotii de test care au lansat Boeing 747-100. Potrivit GE Aviation, acest 747-100 a acumulat 90.000 de ore de zbor si 19.251 cicluri. A iesit de pe linia de asamblare finala pe 17 octombrie 1969 si a operat primul sau zbor pentru Pan Am pe 3 martie 1970. Propulsat de motoare Pratt & Whitney JT9D, avionul a intrat in flota GE Aviation in martie 1992, iar din 25 ianuarie 2017 s-a odihnit la Victorville. Foto main:

VIDEO / Primul Boeing 777 construit a ajuns la Pima Air & Space Museum.

Oldest flying 747, retired at Pima Museum

BANKING LEFT / The Queen of the Skies took her last flight from Victorville today to her new home at Pima Air and Space Museum in Tucson. She was ferried to her final destination by Gary Possert, one of the original Test Pilots on the Boeing 747-100. Volume up!This airframe N747GE flew a total of 90,000 hours and 19,251 cycles. The aircraft was the oldest #B747 in active service (48.7 years), rolling off the assembly line on October 17, 1969 and making its first flight with Pan Am on March 3, 1970. ❤ Video: GE Aviation.

Publicată de Aeronews pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018

ON-BOARD the oldest flying Boeing 747-100 (N747GE): #cockpit and First Class. This #B747 arrived on Thursday at Pima Air…

Publicată de Aeronews pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018

ABOUT TODAY / GE Aviation bid farewell to their trusty Boeing 747-100 flying testbed (N747GE), the oldest airworthy 747…

Publicată de Aeronews pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018

HAPPENING NOW / The oldest flying Boeing 747-100 is likely flying for the last time as N747GE, the former GE Aviation…

Publicată de Aeronews pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018

Some more progress shots. It is now over Valencia Road and heading back to the restoration area.

Publicată de Pima Air and Space pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018

Breaking (and not fake) News! our most recent donation has touched down at D-M and is heading over to us now on the tow…

Publicată de Pima Air and Space pe Joi, 15 noiembrie 2018


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