Aseara, in cadrul Stirilor TVR, pilotul TAROM Cezar Dan Osiceanu a oferit posibile explicatii despre ce s-a intamplat cu zborul 4U9525 Germanwings.
24 martie: A320 Germanwings prabusit in Alpi, zborul 4U9525.
La sfarsitul zilei de ieri, autoritatile franceze au gasit una dintre cele doua cutii negre (Cockpit Voice Recorder), care a fost trimisa spre analiza. Apar noi detalii si despre pasageri. Desi Germanwings nu a publicat inca lista pasagerilor, se pare ca la bord erau si 16 studenti germani plus doi profesori care se intorceau din Barcelona. Prabusirea A320 Germawings a adus in discutie si gradul inalt de automatizare regasit la Airbus-uri. In 2014, un A321 Lufthansa s-a aflat intr-o situatie similara, coborand rapid (4000 ft / minut) cand zbura la 31.000 feet. Din fericire, pilotii l-au redresat.
Suspicion has fallen on the computer technology used the fly the A320 and in particular its “angle of attack” sensors that tell it whether it is pointing up, down or is level. Last year, an A321 Lufthansa went into a sudden descent at 31,000ft, falling at the same rate – 4,000ft per minute – before the crew managed to regain control. The European Air Safety Directive said in that incident the aircraft’s angle of attack sensors had become blocked and tricked the computer into thinking the aircraft was about to stall.
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