
No more 737 MAX 8s for Blue Air from Boeing

According to Boeing data released on Tuesday, the manufacturer had 60 737 MAX order cancellations in June. Amongst them, also the 6 MAX 8s which should have gone to Romania’s low-cost operator Blue Air.

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Apart from those 6 MAX 8s for Blue Air (order placed at Paris Airshow 2017), other 737 MAX cancellations in June: 30 for BOC Aviation (lessor), 17 for Avolon (lessor), 5 for ACG (lessor) and 2 more for unidentified customers. Besides the MAXs from Boeing, Blue Air should receive 6 leased from ALC (Air Lease Corporation).

In June, all but 5 cancellations received by Boeing were for 737 MAXs. For the first half of 2020 (January-June), Boeing received cancellations for 805 MAX orders. via Seattle Times